The monthly dances our SML dance club had always had a dance lesson prior to social dancing. This night it was the mambo—a very fast tempo spot dance requiring fast footwork and body moves.
The showcase move for this dance was from the basic, push her out, pull her in with a 180° counter clockwise spiral, push her out with a 180° clockwise spiral, repeat the steps and return to basic. For lack of a better term, we called it the “sling-shot.”
Many dance members were having problems doing this move—spiraling the wrong way, becoming tangled up, letting go of your partner, etc. Cherie and I were lucky and we managed to do it.
After this dance lesson, while we were sitting around chatting with friends, a single female dancer came up to Cherie and me and said to Cherie, “Can I borrow your husband,” whereupon Cherie said “what for” and she said, “Oh just to dance the mambo with someone who knows how to do it.”
So we danced the mambo, and did the “sling-shot,” and she was pretty good at it.
On the way home from the dance, Cherie said to me, “Well, I can see that you will never have a problem finding someone to dance with.”
“Well,” I said, “the odds are in favor for the guys since there are always more single female dancers than single male dance at most dances. And if you didn’t have me for a dance partner, you would have to compete with them.”
“Yeah,” Cherie said, “what a bummer.” I said, “You would do fine because you are such a hottie.” “Yeah, ha ha,” Cherie said, “I’m lucky just to be warm.”